Reception services

Our reception team are passionate about representing your business as if they were sitting right inside your office. Call answering services designed for businesses of any size in any industry. Our reception team represent your business with the utmost positive can do attitude. Customised to your needs from simple message service, taking orders, inputting leads into your CRM or booking appointments our reception team are able to provide your business callers with a hassle free experience.

How we can help

Messaging service

Our friendly receptionist answers your calls in a timely manner and asks your caller all the right questions. They will then transfer the callers answers into an email which will be sent directly to you. No more lost opportunities.

Booking service

We'll answer your alls and ask all the questions necessary to enable us to take any bookings directly into your booking system, add to your CRM, and/or transfer their answers into an email landing in your inbox immediately. Getting the information exactly where it needs to be, ready for you to action.

Our service works by diverting calls for your business numbers to a new phone line.

That line is answered by someone from the BOSS reception team. Call management software identifies which business the call is for. This lets the receptionist know what script to use to answer and manage the call. The call scripts outline the words to say, questions to ask and actions to undertake in response to different types of inquiries. 

An outgoing or outbound call is a type of phone interaction that is initiated by the client rather than the customer. 

What are the benefits of having a bookkeeper?

Call forwarding is a telephone service that allows a subscriber to have incoming calls forwarded to a different number. 

Call volume is a measure of how many inbound calls are coming in for your business.

This can be measure in various time increments, such as every fifteen minutes, every hour or each day. 

When you are unable to answer an incoming call, the call will be diverted to the BOSS reception team who will answer the call in a friendly manner and assist your clients. 

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